Product News

Supercharge User Engagement with EngageLab’s Web Push API

EngageLab provides businesses with a game-changing solution to enhance user engagement and drive conversions. Their innovative web push notification service offers a seamless and effective way to connect with users. By leveraging EngageLab’s web push API, businesses can deliver timely and personalized messages directly to their users’ devices, maximizing their reach and impact.

Boost Subscription Rates and Expand Reach with EngageLab’s Web Push Notification Service

EngageLab’s web push notification service offers a unique feature called guide tips. This function enables businesses to communicate the value of subscribing to notification messages to their website users at the right moment. By utilizing guide tips, businesses can increase their notification subscription rate by approximately 70%. With EngageLab, businesses can not only capture a larger subscriber base but also expand their reach and engage users effectively through web push notifications.

Gain Insights and Optimize Performance with EngageLab’s Statistical Analysis Support

EngageLab’s web push notification service provides businesses with comprehensive statistical analysis support. Through their platform, businesses can access valuable data such as the latest device notification permission opening rate. By viewing historical push and conversion trend data by browser, businesses can gain insights into user behavior and preferences. Additionally, EngageLab allows businesses to track the loss statistics of historical push messages in different browsers and stages. This data empowers businesses to optimize their messaging strategy, improve engagement, and drive better results.


EngageLab’s web push API improve user engagement for businesses by enabling dynamic and personalized web push notifications. With their web push notification service, businesses can boost subscription rates, expand their reach, and connect with users in a meaningful way. EngageLab’s statistical analysis support provides valuable insights that help businesses optimize their messaging strategy and achieve better performance. Experience the power of EngageLab’s web push notifications and take your user engagement to the next level.

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